Rupali Ganguly has been riding high on the success of her Star Plus show Anupamaa. The serial and her titular character have enjoyed a good number of fan following ever since it debuted on the small screen in July 2020. While that show is still among the top-rated Hindi TV shows, she has now teamed up with director and writer Sajan Agarwal for another project.

Anupamaa star Rupali Ganguly teams up with Sajan Agarwal for an upcoming project

Rupali has already started shooting for that yet-untitled project. While nothing much is known right now, the makers have said that it will have some “visually stunning cinematography” and that Rupali will be showcasing her versatility.

Sharing his experience of working with the actress, Agarwal said in a statement, “Rupali Ganguly is a fantastic actress, and working with her has been a great pleasure. I can’t talk about the shoot but it has come out better than we expected and I am sure audiences will love it.”

While touching upon the status of the project, the makers said in a statement, “The project will be premiered on major TV networks and digital platforms in the coming weeks and is expected to receive widespread viewership and positive reviews. This collaboration between Sajan Agarwal and Rupali Ganguly is a testament to their talent and professionalism and will set a new benchmark in the industry.”

Also Read: Rupali Ganguly expresses happiness as people recognize her as ‘Anupama’


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