Renowned producer Abhishek Agarwal, known for his projects like The Kashmir Files and Karthikeya 2, made a heart-warming announcement earlier today. In a gesture of generosity and devotion, he will be distributing over 10,000 tickets of the highly anticipated film Adipurush across Telangana for free. Now Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor has also expressed his commitment to the cause by booking an additional 10,000 tickets specifically for underprivileged children.
Ranbir Kapoor to book 10,000 tickets of Adipurush for underprivileged kids
Abhishek Agarwal, in an official statement, stated, “Out of my devotion for Lord Shree Ram, I have decided to give 10,000+ tickets to government schools, orphanages, and old-age homes across Telangana for free.” This act of kindness aims to ensure that individuals from all walks of life can experience the grandeur and significance of Adipurush, which is being hailed as a once-in-a-lifetime movie.
Directed by Om Raut and produced by T-Series, Adipurush is a highly anticipated film that brings to life the epic tale of Ramayana. The movie stars Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, and Saif Ali Khan in leading roles, with Sunny Singh, Devdatta Nage, and Vatsal Sheth portraying other pivotal characters. The film is scheduled for release on June 16 and has already garnered immense attention for its stellar cast and captivating storyline. The film will be released in Hindi and Telugu along with dubbed versions in Malayalam, Kannada, and Tamil.
Also Read: Adipurush final trailer launch: Kriti Sanon calls co-star Prabhas “darling”; says, “I couldn’t imagine anyone else play Raghav”
More Pages: Adipurush Box Office Collection
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